Archibald Jofflue
Appearance – 6/10, medium golden yellow with initially thick foam that quickly dissipates.
Taste – 8/10, light and refreshing with a balanced palette of hops and fruits
Texture – 7/10, slightly creamy, but smooth overall
Good to drink casually, perhaps at a barbecue or a meat-heavy grill. It’s light and refreshing so it won’t steal flavour away from the food. It’s just above average for what it is. Good for summer, but avoid for winter.

Archibald Chipie
Appearance – 8/10, looks like an authentic red with a distinctive copper-red tone
Taste – 8/10, a medium malted ale with a balance between the malt and hops, but the citrus nose is a little weak
Texture – 7/10, smooth, full-bodied, satisfying
There’s a sort of attention to detail with this brew from its color to its texture, it’s the little things that add up to a good beer. Suited more for an indoor, sit-down meal as opposed to outdoor dining, a solid year-round choice.

Archibald Matante
Appearance – 8/10, exactly what a weizen should look like with traditional Bavarian malts
Taste – 5/10, it feels lighter than its advertised alcohol volume, making it a good beginner’s drink
Texture – 5/10, it’s thin, bland, and uninteresting to the mouth
If it comes in a 12-pack, it comes in a 12-pack, but don’t go out of your way to buy this. There are a lot better varieties from the same brand. It feels like a watered-down beer.

Archibald Brise du lac
Appearance – 6/10, looks promising, doesn’t taste promising
Taste – 4/10, it is refreshing, but it is also unsophisticated
Texture – 4/10, no character, no fun, no sense of discovery
Don’t serve it to your friends, they will judge you.