Archibald Ci-boire

Appearance – 7/10, there are better-looking IPAs, this one is just average on the outside

Taste – 5/10, inviting the drinker to false promises with a spicy nose but a bitter taste

Texture –  5/10, the way it feels doesn’t match the way it drinks

It really depends what kind of drinker you are, the bitter taste might be good for some pairings, but it’s definitely not a universal flavour. It’s a good beer, it’s just hard to find a time and place for it.

Archibald Belle Mer

Appearance – 8/10, looks mystical with a hazy shade of yellow

Taste – 5/10, sugary, grapefruit flavour that might be appealing for some, but not for everyone

Texture – 6/10, smooth, as is usual for this brewery, but a little fizziness makes it zesty, too

This appeals to the opposite type of drinker of the Ci-boire, but it smells and tastes as advertised.

Archibald Désirée

Appearance – 8/10, nice foam that holds well flowing above a light amber haze

Taste – 4/10, confusing, it’s trying to do so much that it actually just tastes like mixed vegetable juice

Texture – 5/10, smooth, but not enough to make up for its mistakes

Too bitter, too fruity, too floral, too much sugar, it’s trying to do so much at once that it doesn’t do any one thing well enough to qualify as a unique beer. Imagine smelling 100 scents all at once at the cosmetics section in a department store.

Archibald Nuit blanche

Appearance – 7/10, the mix of being a Belgian wheat beer and an American IPA gives it a confused visual identity

Taste – 6/10, it’s average as an IPA and leans bitter for a Belgian wheat beer

Texture – 6/10, flat and smooth, wish it had more bubbles

The earthy, hoppy taste makes it an average IPA, but it’s not too special in the real of good IPAs. Game day with salty snacks will benefit from the long-lasting aftertaste.

Categories: Quebec Beers