Five Hardy Men

In order of height from tallest to littlest, Andrew, Abraham, Casper, Charlie, and I were the closest of buddies from our days in high school. We each went our different ways shortly after graduation, but we always kept in touch and gathered twice every year for old times’ sake. Video Read more…

Cities Without Ground

Cities Without Ground By Adam Frampton, Jonathan Solomon, Clara Wong Between its many contributing authors, one of the core messages I understood from the book was Hong Kong’s lack of a sense of land. Where American and European homeowners would understand that the value of their home was somehow related Read more…

Chemnitz, Germany

Chemnitz represents two things to me; the love of trying out new exotic experiences, and my amateur fascination with the history of architecture. My first time in Chemnitz lasted just a few hours, but was enough to give me a comprehensive overview of the city’s history. I did the trip Read more…

Profession Wage Gap

About ten years ago, former US President Barack Obama claimed that women in the US were paid 77 cents on the dollar when compared to men. Soon after, further dissemination of the studies showed that the actual pay gap between the two genders are actually much lower (93 cents on Read more…

Eisleben, Germany

A short distance away from Halle, Wittenberg, and Leipzig where Martin Luther frequently lectured, Eisleben is his famed birthplace and place of death. It’s a good idea to visit these places all in one trip to get a feel of what it was like to live during the 16th century, Read more…

Hannover, Germany

The real reason why I wanted to go to Hannover was to see the Waterloo Column. Why does Hannover have a column to commemorate the defeat of Napoleon? In fact, the Kingdom of Hannover actually used to be in a personal union with the monarch of the United Kingdom until Read more…