
Every morning at 9 a.m., the bright yellow furniture store opens its doors to a line of customers waiting patiently outside. Staff dressed in yellow and blue polo shirts matching Ikea’s logo greet families as they shuffle through a revolving door the size of a car. Shoppers are welcomed by Read more…

Five Hardy Men

In order of height from tallest to littlest, Andrew, Abraham, Casper, Charlie, and I were the closest of buddies from our days in high school. We each went our different ways shortly after graduation, but we always kept in touch and gathered twice every year for old times’ sake. Video Read more…

Two Asian Men

If where I live in the eastern end of East Berlin is the deep east, Westphalia is the deep west of Germany. It is in fact, so far west, that although the mainstream culture and foods are generally the same as in the east, a lot of the special events Read more…

Battle of Wills

Let me paint you a picture, a dark yet vivid one, of what war is like. Close your eyes and imagine a smoke filled sky, a helicopter buzzes above you and its rotor blades let sunlight through to your face intermittently. You can feel the glow of the sun through Read more…

27 to 57

27 it feels like heaven, you’re still young but not so dumb. Having been in and out of several jobs in different insurance companies, you’ve managed to get promoted every time you jumped ship. In fact, you just jumped right into a new job that you thought would finally be Read more…