Cracking the Quebec Code in 45 Minutes
By: Jean-Marc Léger, Jacques Nantel, Pierre Duhamel, Christian Bourque, and Philippe Léger

The book is an abridged version of Pierre Duhamel’s original text in French, translated for an English audience. I wish more authors would publish abridged versions of their books that are well-supported with reliable survey data and case studies.

The authors highlight seven key factors to understanding Quebecers’ spending habits, brand loyalty, and how they take offence from outsiders. To me, it was more a journey of self-discovery to figure out where I fit in the anglophone-francophone dichotomy – I found out I am a strange hybrid.

I recommend this brief read for Canadians looking to begin their journey of discovery of the other side of the Ottawa River. I only wish the book had been published two years ago when I arrived in Ottawa.

This book was provided to me for free by the publisher.

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