Outdoor bazaar on 19th July Street

What better way to celebrate Einheitstag on October 3rd in Berlin than a long weekend of Rotbratwurst mit Brotchen and basking in the sun with an ice cold Paulaner’s? Less than one generation ago, the Berlin Wall fell and the image of a divided German people still haunt our memories. Although it’s all fun and games for the kids, it’s a reminder to maintain unity despite ideological differences for the older generation.


Festival to the day of German unity

If you’re there, on October 3rd, perhaps spare some time to think of the sacrifice some people made to live in freedom. Think about how bizarre it is to split a people, with families on both sides of the wall to win a battle over philosophy. Think about how you can play a part in preventing something like that from happening again, what with Trump’s Mexican border wall and the refugee crisis. Talk to some older locals, they’d be happy to share their perspectives with you.