Kingston was an important defensive position on the St. Lawrence River facing rebellious America. Fort Henry is the largest fortification along the St. Lawrence waterway west of Quebec City. It was response to the War of 1812 and the limestone citadel was built in the 1830s. It was never attacked, but now the deactivated cannons stand guard over the ferry to Wolfe Island.

Get in just as it opens to catch the guided tour, watch a rifle firing exercise, and a live artillery drill. During summer, there is are tattoos in the courtyard of the fort with period-dressed soldiers.

The thick pentagonal inner wall of the fort is a giant building with rows of rooms. One of the sides was for officers quarters and their leisure space. The next side was for making and eating food. Another side was jail cells, toilets, and laundry. The rest was quarters for soldiers and some of their families. Boys had to leave at age 14 and girls had to leave at 16, the only way they could stay was if they found jobs inside the fort.

Be sure to buy historically accurate bread at the shop that was made right there at the fort’s bakery.