It has been a few years since I gave an art museum its own post, but the Graubünden Art Museum in Chur is something special – I saw my first poo exhibition here.


Poo aside, the museum consists of an older building and a newer cuboid building. The entrance in the old building only grants access to the cafe so you’ll have to enter through the new building to get to the old building through an underground connection.

The cavernous underground gallery in the new building hosts temporary exhibitions as well as a local selection of modern art. In a time where the value of modern art is in question, this museum has managed to curate an interesting and innovative collection of work. I particularly like how sound and light was incorporated into some of the works to create a sensory experience for more than just the eyes.

Across in the old building, the museum prides itself on having an extensive collection of works from the Giacometti family. It includes paintings from Giovanni Giacometti and his eldest son Alberto plus furniture pieces from his younger son Diego. Diego lived in Alberto’s shadow as his model until Alberto died, which gave Diego the chance to shine on his own.

Its a real pity that it doesn’t have a souvenir shop with its book store. I’m sure prints of artwork of the mountains in the region would’ve sold like hotcakes.