La Bittt à Tibi Pilsner

Appearance – 7/10, pale yellow hue is delightful, but the score is hampered by the thin layer of foam that is neither consistent nor appealing.

Taste – 6/10, unsophisticated, it smells bitter, tastes bitter, and leaves a bitter taste in your mouth when you’re done, does as advertised.

Texture – 5/10, a light, dry pilsner that’s thin at the beginning but richer as it gets poured down your mouth.

The taste of ale yeast and classic American hops are present, but I’d contest its claim on being the “perfect bitterness.” If you like the yeasty taste and consistent bitterness of beer, you’ll enjoy this. It’s definitely an outdoor beer, perhaps at a barbecue with an abundance of red meats that are basted in sauce or heavily spiced.

La Bittt à Tibi Red

Appearance – 7/10, the brick red color of the drink looks inviting, but the size of the bubbles are inconsistent making it appear flat.

Taste – 6/10, it initially smells sweet with caramel, but the taste is much thinner both during and after a gulp.

Texture – 6/10, although it doesn’t look like it has any carbonation, the fine bubbles the roll around the side of the tongue gives it that extra kick.

Caramel hits the nose real quick but doesn’t have the same effect on the tongue – it smells better than it tastes. The taste isn’t ideal, but it’ll be fine on the weekend with good conversation and a bag of peanuts.

La Bittt à Tibi IPA

Appearance – 9/10, looks cloudy as an IPA should, the foam holds well, and bubbles are a consistent size

Taste – 5/10, whiffs of light fruit at the nose, but it turns into pure bitterness in the mouth, it lacks balance

Texture – 6/10, the consistent bubbles helps make the drink feel lighter than it is, but the dryness makes you want to stop drinking it

It’s crisp as first with a hoppy taste but the bitter kick dominates in the mouth. The claimed citrus flavour seems to have gone on holiday. A good outdoors beer that goes well with crispy snacks.

Categories: Quebec Beers