Poland is a land of very hospitable people. I’ve stayed with locals in small Polish towns every time I visited. All of what I’ve seen was just the border region with Germany along the Oder River, but I’ve seen enough to want to explore more.

I originally planned for a massive Polish road trip in March 2020, but the pandemic put a halt to my travel plans. Luckily, I did get a refund for all my flights, hotel bookings, and car rental.

I’ve visited Poland by border-crossing regional trains and by scooter. It was November 11 when I first visited Poland by scooter with a friend and we discovered by accident that we arrived on National Independence Day. The streets were lined with flags and the markets had all sorts of delicacies on sale.

We took home a link of smoked sausages, packs of waxed fish, local cheese, and malty beer.

Categories: Poland