Every year, the parliament building in Bern hosts an animated film that is projected onto its façade in winter just as the Christmas markets open. Grab a Chäsbrägu and a cup of Glühwein to warm up in chilly November and enjoy the show.


This year’s theme was the 50th anniversary of the first human moon landing in 1969. It’s really hard to comprehend how far humans have come in a mere three generations. The first human flight occurred just before my grandfather was born, my father was still in school when men landed on the moon, and now I can use one of hundreds of satellites to help me navigate around Switzerland.

There must’ve been at least 3000 people gathered to watch the movie, yet the wide pedestrianised streets of Bern allowed everyone to make a quick egress after the movie was over and I was at the train station by foot in 4 minutes. Very well-organised, reminds me of the Berlin‘s Festival of Lights.