When Chen and I went on our epic winter scooter trip from Berlin to Slubice, we passed by a peculiar little town with rich Soviet history – Seelow. It is located along the old country road that the Soviets used to liberate Berlin with T-34 tanks and katyushas. An exciting, and bloody piece of history.

It was so weird we just had to stop by to explore the site. There were old artillery pieces littered around the memorial grounds with tanks and trucks on display. The graves of Soviet soldiers were marked with stars that features the sickle and hammer insignia. Atop the hill was a soldier standing proudly on a stone podium after he destroyed a German panzer.

There is a memorial museum there, but it’s so small I wouldn’t recommend going in. Plus, looking around the monuments and old military equipment around town is already weird enough for most.

This post is part of my Berlin Zone C series from 2016-17. At the time, I lived in Berlin and had a Google Sites set up to blog about locations around Berlin’s periphery. I saved all my assets before Google decommissioned Classic Sites in 2021 and re-uploaded them to this site over time. Photographs were taken with an iPhone 5s.