Unibroue Pilsner Bohémienne
Appearance – 10/10, the cloudy amber color fits the brew’s name, the foam holds well
Taste – 7/10, it tastes like it smells, and smells like it looks, very light on the nose and grows stronger on the tongue.
Texture – 7/10, light bodied with bubbles that make it feel crisp, slight sweetness and not dry at all
The floral element of the beer is present, though I couldn’t tell you what kind of flowers they are. A well-balanced jack of all trades, it’s good for relaxation, a hot day with friends, light snacks, or even a first date at a nice restaurant.

Unibroue Pilsner Rouge
Appearance – 8/10, a clear red hue looks organic, but the foam dies quickly
Taste – 6/10, its smells as inviting as the hand soap section of a home goods store, but I’m not sure I want had soap-flavoured beer
Texture – 5/10, about average, it’s the right sweetness for a red with a medium body that holds itself concisely down your throat
It has nothing to brag about but nothing to be disappointed with, like going home with a B+ on your report card. It’s so average nobody would go out of my way to buy this, but nobody would mind drinking it if it was the only thing available.

Unibroue Pilsner HIPL
Appearance – 10/10, the cloudy boor has foam that holds well, everything you want to see in a glass of beer.
Taste – 8/10, smells like tropical fruit, tastes like tropical fruit, it’s crisp and has nothing you don’t like
Texture – 7/10, slightly dry, but made up for by it’s medium body that makes it very drinkable
Well-balanced notes of tropical fruit with appropriate bitterness mixed into a smooth, crisp package. Yeast, malt, and hops are absent in its taste. Come home to this after a long day’s work in the summer to unwind.