Shakey looking around the apartment to scout out her favorite spot the first day I got her

Shakey was my cat in Berlin and oh I loved her so! I got her the first month I was there and just after another month of being with Shakey, I’ve absolutely fallen in love with her. Being able to train her to be polite and respectful around the house made her feel almost human. She’d walk around my desk careful not to topple anything over to come look at me as I work on my laptop. If she feels she need attention, she wouldn’t sit on my keyboard, she’d just lie down beside my mouse and nestle her head on my right hand. So whenever I moved my mouse I’d be effectively stroking her head with the back of my hand.

Waiting for me to to go bed

If she needed even more attention she’d sit on my lap doubling as a lap warmer. I’d occasionally spare a hand to scratch the back of her ears feeling guilty for not giving her more time. When the night got late and my beer was finished I would find her curled up next to my pillow waiting for me to go to bed.

When I felt it was about time to end the day, she would wake up and turn her head as soon as she hears the wooden legs of my chair screech against the vinyl floor when I get up. I’d give her a pat on the head, brush my teeth, turn off the lights, and climb into the bed she warmed for me.

Shakey near me

Shakey would let me hold her as she purred me to sleep. After she was satisfied that I was fast asleep, she would quietly slip out from between my arms and curl up at my feet until morning. Then at half past seven, there would be a soft furry weight on my chest and a wet nose nuzzled up against my right cheek waking me up for class.

She was my world, the first thing to welcome me in the morning and the last thing to coax me to sleep at night. I figured I’d spent more time with her than I have with anyone else during my months with her. When I wasn’t home, I’d look forward to going back, knowing that she’d run up to the door to greet me.

In a way, it was kind of like having a daughter to take care of and give unconditional love without expecting anything back. Perhaps like a best friend who exists for emotional support, or even a sister that knows me too well. I know, I’d be deluding myself if I described her as anything near human, but this combination of daughter, best friend, sister was just unique. I’ve never felt anything like it in my life.

Even though I’ve spent less than a year with her, I’ll miss her for the rest of my life.

Waiting for me to finish watching Julian Assange on YouTube so she can be pet.

Categories: People