Li Ka Shing did a good job building upwards in Toronto

Theres a running joke among my Canadian friends that even though I was born near Vancouver I seem to have more friends in Toronto, even though I haven’t been to Toronto until I turned 19. When I did visit, I decided to make it my Canadian heritage trip where I would discover more behind the history of the War of 1812. So of course I had to visit Fort York, named after Toronto’s former name – York. I also went to the CN Tower, Rogers Stadium, and had the most delicious poutine and Korean shave ice ever. Talk about multiculturalism!


View from the CN Tower

I was thrilled to visit friends I haven’t seen for a long time; some for four years and some for over ten years! Jordan, who used to be in the same class with me in year five moved back to Toronto in year six, and I haven’t seen him since I was 9. We had Korean fried chicken and he even introduced me to his little brother, whom I have probably seen once or twice in primary school but couldn’t remember his name.


Brewery district now an arts and cultural hub

The next person I saw was Marcus, we been to school together for about six years before he left when we turned 14. We had Korean shaved ice and he even gave me his collection of monthly passes for the TTC after discovering that I loved collecting train tickets. His little brother was also there but he was busy with school so he couldn’t come, that’s really too bad because I missed him too.



Toronto skyline

A big shoutout to André and his (then) girlfriend (and now wife) who generously hosted me in his spare bedroom during the Canada Day long weekend. I loved his cat Stella and his pug Henri couldn’t stop licking my arm. This was the first time I spent Canada Day in Canada as a Canadian and being able to do this has always been so close to my heart. I even got to BBQ with André and his friends on his patio on July 1st. Now I feel complete.