The Museum of Civilization was designed by Quebec architect Moshe Sadie, who also designed Habitat 67 in Montreal and the Musée national des beaux-arts du Quebec. The only downside to the design is the lack of parking in the museum building, municipal parking lots charge by the minute.

I visited when the Maya exhibition was available, showcasing thousands of years of civilization in Central America. Some of the highlights included sculptures, painted frescoes, pottery and jewelry. Unfortunately, the European invaders burned all of their books except for four titles, a copy of which was displayed in the museum. Most of what we know today from written records have been etched onto stone tablets.

Replica of one of four surviving books

The museum also has a permanent exhibition on the history of Quebec and fishing in the province. Quebec City was founded in 1608 but Europeans didn’t start living off the land until a decade later, it took even longer for it to develop into a real settlement. Samuel de Champlain built a trading post that doubled as a fort in the event of an attack.

The very popular Oh Shit! exhibition runs until March 2023 on everything poo. It shows how different systems process human waste and how toilets are designed differently in certain contexts. There’s also a very good display on the softness and hardness of poop and what it tells you about your diet.